Mobile Development

The IT industry is very rapidly making a shift towards mobile applications development and we here at eGenie Next are excelling in the field of mobile applications development. Be it PDAs or digital assistants or any other hand held devices, our mobile developers provide all kinds of services. The technologies that are used in the development of mobile applications include iOS, Blackberry, Windows, QT Framework, Android, Symbian and JAVA ME (J2ME).
We have many experienced mobile developers who have a lot of experience in developing mobile application on all the major mobile platforms such as iOS, Blackberry, Windows and Android. We build applications that are easily to use and user friendly.
Single Platform (Native) Vs. Cross Platform
A mobile application can be developed in two different ways. One way to develop an application is to develop it for a single platform. This is done using the programming languages and native SDKs that are provided by RIM, Microsoft, Google and Apple for their respective platforms. Applications that are developed for native platforms using their SDKs perform very nicely. It makes for a great user experience and a tight integration with the device’s hardware. The cost in developing a mobile application this way for different platforms is significantly high because same source code cannot be used for different platforms since their programming languages are different.
The other way to develop an application is by using various different Cross Platform technologies that use HTML 5, CSS and JavaScript, which helps to reduce development costs. The code for the application is written only once but it can be run on multiple different platforms which in result saves a lot of cost. Some of the cross platform technologies that are used convert the code into native code first and then run it, others just run the code directly from the web. However this isn’t the best solution out there since there are a lot of limitations that are posed by the cross platform technologies.